
‘From the gift of the body, progress in knowledge’


An image of the first donor to OUWB's Body Donation Program

Sherry Wynn Perdue, Ph.D., is the first person to sign up for OUWB's Body Donation Program.


icon of a calendarAugust 7, 2024

icon of a pencilBy Andrew Dietderich

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死后我们的身体会发生什么变化,这涉及到深刻的反思和情感上的挑战, but it was a relatively easy process for Sherry Wynn Perdue, Ph.D.

这是因为当韦德体育app官网写作中心的主任得知有新的机会将她的遗体捐赠给科学研究时, she was in.

The opportunity?


It relies on people like Wynn Perdue to volunteer as body donors. 自今年2月推出该项目以来,永利·珀杜是60家报名参加该项目的公司之一.

“I always wanted to donate my organs,” says Wynn Perdue. “但我是第五代乳腺癌患者,做了双侧乳房切除术……我的家族中还有其他癌症患者。. 我开始想,我真的不应该把我的器官捐给有可能得癌症的人.”


这一决定将对无数其他人产生积极影响,马里兰州马里兰大学的马利·巴伦卡拉(Malli Barremkala)说.D., associate professor, Department of Foundational Medical Studies, and director of OUWB’s Body Donation Program.

“我相信雪莉非常慷慨,她将在推进医学教育和研究方面发挥至关重要的作用,” he said. 她的无私行为将帮助未来的开放式大学学生学习和提高他们的技能, which will eventually improve patient care and outcome.”

‘Crucial for medical students’

自2011年成立以来,OUWB的医学院学生一直在与捐赠者合作. So far, however, OUWB通过与托莱多大学(University of Toledo)等其他学校达成协议,获得了遗体捐献者.


Among other things, 拥有自己的项目为OUWB提供了一个“与社区联系的绝佳机会”,,使学校能够收集捐赠者的病史, which will aid in the overall educational experience for students.

An image of a ribbon being cut in front of the vault

Officials from OUWB, Pixley Funeral Homes, 10月11日,罗彻斯特市为奥巴马陵墓和接待库剪彩. 28, 2022.

“(OUWB遗体捐赠计划)对医学生来说至关重要,因为它提供了人文教育,让学生亲身体验真正的人体解剖学, which is a must for their learning,” said Barremkala. “这不仅帮助他们了解人体的复杂性,也为他们成为更好的医生做准备.”

Of course, 有了这样的项目,捐赠者火化后还需要一个埋葬骨灰的地方(除非有其他安排)。. That’s where the OUWB Mausoleum and Receiving Vault comes in.

Located in Mount Avon Cemetery, near downtown Rochester, 该保险库将容纳那些将遗体捐献给医学教育的人. 该建筑的使用由罗切斯特市捐赠,由Pixley殡仪馆监督重新设计. (OUWB每年也会为捐赠者举行特别的追悼会.)

当地媒体报道了为陵墓举行的剪彩活动,这是永利·珀杜(Wynn Perdue)第一次得知OUWB有自己的遗体捐赠计划.

‘Very easy to sign up’

Wynn Perdue, who grew up near Flint and attended high school in Lapeer, 1996年从哥伦比亚特区回国后,开始在韦德体育app官网任教, where she worked after graduate school. 自2008年以来,她一直担任韦德体育app官网写作中心主任. (她也是国际写作中心协会的主席.)

几乎是在韦恩·珀杜得知有机会将自己的遗体捐献给科学研究的时候, she began the process.   

文书工作基本上是一份简单的三页表格,可以在OUWB网站上找到,也可以发送给对该计划感兴趣的个人. 像永利·珀杜这样的潜在捐赠者提供了自己的基本信息, next-of-kin contact details, and other facts for the health department. It must be signed by a witness. There are no costs for donors. Further, donors can change their mind, too.

“It was very easy to sign up,” said Wynn Perdue.

韦恩·珀杜指出,虽然有些人可能对将遗体捐献给科学研究感到不安, it was never an issue for her.

“比起躺在解剖实验室的轮床上,我更讨厌被放在殡仪馆展出,” she said.

“我认识很多医生,我知道他们有多珍惜与遗体捐献者合作的机会,” she added. “Besides, 我们不希望未来的医生只通过观看模拟或与假人一起工作来学习, right?”

韦恩·珀杜说,她在报名前咨询过的医生帮助她了解了学生在与捐赠者合作时必须遵守的严格标准. 例如,严禁在解剖实验室拍摄任何形式的照片.

“Medical students treat the body with the utmost respect,” she said. 

巴伦卡拉说,世界银行对那些已经注册的人以及那些正在考虑成为捐助者的人表示感谢. 他注意到,学校的解剖实验室为了纪念捐赠者,增加了一块写着“捐赠公司”的牌子, scientiae progressus” — Latin for “From the gift of the body, progress in knowledge.”

他说:“成为一名全身捐献者是对医学未来做出深远贡献的方式。. “您的捐赠将对医学生的教育和医学科学的进步产生重大影响, benefiting countless patients in the long run.”

For more information on the OUWB Body Donation Program, visit or email [email protected].

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